China (International) Third-Generation Semiconductor Conference 2024

China (International) Third-Generation Semiconductor Conference 2024

In recent years, China has seen improved focus on the development of the semiconductor industry. Along with the advent of 5G and the era of IoT, as well as the continued rapid growth of “new infrastructures” such as new energy vehicles and new energy power generation, the third generation of semiconductors represented by silicon carbide and gallium nitride has gradually taken the stage, showing promising market prospects. Since silicon carbide and gallium nitride industries are still in their infancy, the next five years is expected to see a shortage in substrate supply. Therefore, the third-generation semiconductor is expecting rapid upsoaring benefiting from a strong downstream demand, favorable policies and funding and bring forward “core opportunities” toward a promising future.

To help the players of the third-generation semiconductor industry get a comprehensive understanding of the industrys development trends and promote continued innovation and better upstream and downstream information exchange to create a win-win situation, China (International) Third-Generation Semiconductors Conference 2024  is to be held on October 21~22 in Suzhou, cordially inviting the upstream and downstream enterprises and institutions to participate in the conference and be part of the win-win “core” industry.

China (International) Third-Generation Semiconductor Conference 2024, co-sponsored by Semiconductor Today and CHInano Conference & Expo, intends to invite experts from the front-line manufacturing enterprises to share special reports on and analyze the actual development and innovation of compound semiconductors based on the actual production and seek ways out of the dilemma faced by the industry today by soliciting participants’ advice, ideas and discussions to find a path that promotes industry development; in the meantime, it will also serve as a premier platform for communication, project matchmaking and networking between upstream and downstream business representatives.



    1. Semiconductor Today
    2. The Organizing Committee of CHInano Conference & Expo


    1. Shanghai Yuxi Culture and Communication Co., Ltd.
    2. Nanopolis Suzhou Co., Ltd.


    1. China Semiconductor Industry Association MEMS Branch
    2. Suzhou Advanced Nanomaterials Association
    3. Suzhou Integrated Circuits Industry Association

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