Conference Introduction

Semiconductor and new material testing are at the top of the pyramid of the testing and analysis industry.In view of the current status and demand in China’s semiconductor and new material analysis and testing field, WinTech Nano-Technology Services Pte Ltd., Testing and Analysis Platform of Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Nanopolis Suzhou Co., Ltd. joined hands in organizing the 1st CHInano Analysis & Testing Application Seminar at the same time when CHInano 2018 Conference & Expo was held. So far, it has successfully held five sessions. The 5th CHInano Analysis & Testing Application Seminar was strongly supported by Thermo fisher, Hitachi, Zeiss and other companies. Every year,it attracted more than 500 professionals in the field of nano-materials and semiconductors to attend the seminar, and the response was enthusiastic.

The Organizing Committee is now convening the 6th CHInano Analysis & Testing Application Seminar.Based on the analysis with state-of-the-art or even unique equipment, the Seminar will be exploring ideas for solving imminent or unsettled issues that occur in day to day production by relying on scientific researchers’ innovative analyzing methods, their profound understanding of equipment, products, materials and processes and technology exchange and case studies.



    1. Semiconductor Industry Association – MEMS Branch

    2. Nanopolis Suzhou Co., Ltd.
    3. WinTech Nano-Technology Services Pte., Ltd.

Main topics

Topics discussed at this meeting included but are not limited to:

2023 Speakers

Date: Oct. 24
Location: B1 Exhibition Hall Room 1, Suzhou International Expo Center
Yingxi Niu
(Professor of Institute of semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Characterization of Silicon Carbide Defects and Their Effects on Device Performance

Biography: Professor; received the Ph. D. degree from Xidian University, and Postdoctoral from Chinese Academy of Sciences; got a reward of “6th 3rd generation semiconductor innovation youth”; He is also the leader of the “Third generation List of semiconductor materials and devices” industry innovation team, a technical leader in Anhui Province and Wuhu; He is now a part-time member of the international IEC and Semi Compound Standards Committee, and a member of the China International Standards Committee Member of the National Semiconductor device and List of semiconductor materials standards committee. Focus on SiC R&D and industrialization; undertaking a number of scientific research projects; applied for more than 100 patents; published more than 40 papers.

Abstract: At present, there are many defects in silicon carbide materials, such as base-plane dislocations, screw dislocations, edge dislocations, stacking faults, triangle defects, droplet defects, etc., which result in the low yield and unstable performance of silicon carbide devices, and even affect the long-term reliability. In the research, it is very important for defect control engineering to characterize the defect accurately. This presentation introduces the main defects in silicon carbide and their characterization techniques, as well as the effects of defects on device performance and reliability.

Xiwen Zhang
(Manager of Hitachi High-Tech Scientific Solutions (Beijing) Co.,Ltd. )
Hitachi EM Products for the Most Advanced Semiconductor Process

Biography: Zhang Xiwen, Manager of Sales support group, Hitachi High-Tech Scientific (Beijing) Co., Ltd(HSC). Zhang Xiwen(Zhang) joined the Beijing Branch of Hitachi High-Tech (Shanghai) International Trade Co., Ltd.(HTG) in August 2012, and served as the technical support for after-sales service of Hitachi EM products. In the same year, Zhang went to Japan for a half year production technology training in the factory. After the training, Zhang learned the design concept, assembly process, technical characteristics, etc. of Hitachi EM in detail; After returning to Beijing in 2013, Zhang continued to working as the after-sales service and technical support of Hitachi EM, and served as the pre-sales technical support of Hitachi EM products.Since 2016, Zhang has been responsible for the promotion of Hitachi Focused Ion Beam(FIB) in China, as well as the technical support and training for Hitachi EM related products .In 2021, HTG EM department and AI department were integrated with the original Tianmei High-tech company(TSL) to establish HSC, Zhang will continue responsible for the technical support of Hitachi FIB and some industry customer in the new company. 

Abstract: Hitachi has many products including SEM, TEM, FIB, AFM and NP, which can provide complete solutions in semiconductor manufacturing, defect detection, packaging and other fields.Hitachi FE-SEM has the characteristics of ultra-high resolution, ultra-high stability, and has a good reputation in the semiconductor field.In the observation and analysis of semiconductor samples, FIB and NP are used more and more, especially in the most advanced processes. These two machines are indispensable in the analysis and testing laboratory. Hitachi NP, with its unique EVAC function, can help customers quickly find the defect location. With its unique stage design, it can be easily found even in a large range; The double exchange chamber design can better maintain the cleanliness of the probe and so on.Hitachi FIB can provide full manual and automatic functions in TEM sample preparation; Triple-Beam the unique function can provide a better solution for preparing higher quality samples. 

Sarah Ma
(Application Scientist of Oxford Instruments )
Latest EDS and EBSD Progress on Characterizing Semi Samples

Biography: Sarah Ma obtained his Ph.D. in Material Science and Engineering in 2012 from Shanghai Jiaotong University, where she worked on development and characterization of high strength and ductile magnesium alloys. She then completed her postdoctoral work at National Institute of Material Science (NIMS, Japan) and there her major research was characterization of magnesium and magnetic material using HAADF-STEM and 3DAP. After joining in Oxford Instrument as application scientist in 2016, she mainly focuses on application support of EDS, EBSD and OP products.

Abstract: As a common crystallographic analysis tool, EBSD has been extensively used among material researches. Yet, rare reports are about its application in semi-industry, which is mainly due to its limitation about sensitivity, spatial and angular resolution as well as speed. Oxfords Instruments flagship product Symmetry provides unparallel performance that enables EBSD analysis on features down to tens of nanometers and gives results on phases and grain structures etc. in a single measurement. Combining with the cutting-edge EBSD technology, detailed dislocation structures and distributions can also be calculated. With all these improvements, EBSD can now be applied to reveal a new approach of studying defects and failure in semi samples.

Starting with EBSD basics, this talk will focus on EBSD’s latest application on semi samples.

Billy Tang
( Manager of EFA Sales Development, ThermoFisher Scientific)
Improving FA Success Rate by ThermoFisher Total Solution

Biography:  Manager, Failure Analysis: More than 15 years of FA experience in IC Fab; Focused on both EFA & PFA;Sr. Application Specialist:Field application for Nanoprobing in China; Manager, EFA Sales Development & Application Engineers:Sales development for EFA product (Optical Fault Isolation, Lock-in Thermography, Nanoprobing, Circuit Edit) ; Customer interface and application support.

Abstract: This report is focusing on the failure analysis of semiconductor which includes the fundamental and application of FA technologies. By clarifying the workflow from fault isolation and physical verification, this report will point out the key factor of low success rate for regular problems in failure analysis with multiple case studies.In Semiconductor, Thermo Fisher Scientific integrated the total solution from EFA to PFA for customer. In this report, tool performance, limitation of analysis technology, application experience will be integrated to description for improving the success rate of failure analysis.

Guanglu Ge
(Professor of National Center for Nanoscience & Technology)
Nanomaterial Testing Standards

Biography: Guanglu Ge, professor at National Center for Nanoscience and Technology and Director of CAS Key Lab of Measurement and Standardization for Nanotechnology, obtained his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 2001, and postdoctoral training at UCLA and Caltech. He is now the convenor of ISO/TC229/WG4 (Nanomaterial specification), the deputy director of Technical Committee on Nanotechnology and on Reference Materials of Standardization Administration of China (SAC). Prof. Ge’s research focuses on standardized testing methods and RMs for nanotechnology, nanoscale interface characterization and structure-property relation. He has been the PI of National Key R&D program on scientific problems in nanotechnology metrology and standards, and has published over 80 papers in journals including Advanced Materials and Small, etc. He received IEC 1906 award in 2018. Prof. Ge has led or co-led the drafting of seven ISO/IEC standards and 16 national standards. Specifically, by collaborating with domestic industry, his team developed the standard system in physicochemical characterization of electrode nanomaterials and optical characterization of quantum dots. 

Abstract: Standards ensure the reliability and consistency of nanomaterial measurement and characterization, and are the foundation of nanotechnology industry. The technical committees in ISO, IEC and ASTM have been active in developing  testing standard, on materials including carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, metal nanoparticles, and using methods including electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, light scattering, and various spectroscopies. These efforts improve the method comparison and data accuracy, and deepen our understanding of measurement uncertainties.Since 2006, China has supported the research in nano-measurement standards with different programs. As a result, we have led over 30 ISO/IEC international standards including the metallic impurity detection in carbon nanotubes and absorption spectroscopy of quantum dots. We have also developed over 50 reference materials, to promote the nanomaterial characterization and participation of domestic industry in international standardization.This talk will analyze the challenges of standardizing nanomaterial test methods, summarize the current activities and status, and provide perspectives for this field. 

Chengliang Huang
(BD managerr of ZEISS)
Comprehensive and Advanced Failure Analysis in Compound Semiconductor

Biography: As a business development manager at Carl Zeiss, Chengliang Huang is responsible for Zeiss Microscopy business development in semiconductor, electronics and display industries, to promote innovative application solutions to customers.Since his graduation from University of California, Irvine, he has been working in the field of physical and electrical failure analysis. Chengliang has more than 7 years’ experience in supporting advanced semiconductor failure analysis and FIB/SEM, nanoprobing application development.

Abstract: With the rapid development of new energy vehicle, 5G, IoT, and so on, compound semiconductors are driving the next wave of semiconductor innovation. They usually have high breakdown electric field, direct bandgap, high electron mobility, and other advantages. Because of the special fundamental material properties, compound semiconductors have a wide range of applications where Silicon has some limitations. Although the manufacturing technology has been improving, compound semiconductors tend to have higher crystal defect density and therefore higher production cost. The full range of ZEISS microscopes as well as the semiconductor-oriented software and workflow solutions can not only help the substrate and epitaxial wafer manufactures to identify the crystal defects, but also provide device and package failure analysis solutions for power and optoelectronics IC manufactures.

Aiguo Li
(Deputy Director of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
Nondestructive Characterization of Synchrotron Radiation in Integrated Circuit Devices

Biography: Aiguo LiDeputy director of SSRF, doctoral supervisor. Also serves as the director of Imaging and Industrial Application Research Department, and the head of the SSRF BL15U Microfocus Beamline. He is engaged in the development and application of synchrotron radiation hard X-ray micro-nano experimental technology, and serves as a project leader of the key R&D plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and has published nearly 100 papers.

Abstract: With the shift from 2D to 3D structure of integrated circuit device, the defects and strains brought by immature process can cause the failure of mechanical and electrical properties of the device, and the traditional destructive analysis are difficult to restore the real situation. Thus, nondestructive methods with nano-scale are needed for characterization the integrated circuit devices. In recent years, the continuous development of synchrotron radiation characterization technology makes it possible. Herein, we will introduce several synchrotron radiation characterization techniques, including X-ray ptychography, Bragg ptychography, fast nano-CT full-field imaging techniques and critical dimension small angle X-ray scattering, which can measure and visualize the defects and strains inside integrated circuits in order to fully understand the link between structure and performance of integrated circuit devices.

Younan Hua
(VP of Wintech Nano-Technology Services Pte.Ltd.)
Studies of EDS, XPS and Auger Analysis Technology and Application in IC Chip Design, Wafer Fabrication and Advanced Packaging (Online)

Biography: Dr. Hua received a Ph.D. degree in Physics from National University of Singapore in 1994. After that he worked in Chartered Semiconductor (GlobalFoundries), which is a major international wafer fab, and served as Director of Failure Analysis Lab in 1995--2013. In 2014, he joined Wintech-Nano (Singapore) as Vice President/COO. He is an expert in semiconductor wafer fab, process and device failure analysis. He has published more than 360 papers/patents. He has deep academic attainments in the field of wafer fab, packaging and failure analysis, especially in the front-end process of wafer fab, research and development of GOI failure analysis methods and the advanced fab process of anti-pollution and corrosion on Al Bondpads in the back-end wafer fab process with the international leading level. He is also actively engaged in and caring about education, and is assigned as a member of the Educational Advisory Committee in National University of Singapore and a PhD Supervisor at National University of Singapore/Nanyang Technological University /Singapore University of Technology and Design / Singapore Economic Development Board / Wintech-Nano IPP Platform).

Abstract: X-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) are very useful analytical techniques. They have been widely used in material analysis and failure analysis, especially semiconductor integrated circuit design, wafer fabrication and modern packaging and testing. However, as the size of semiconductor chips is getting smaller and smaller, reaching 7-5nm or even 3-2nm, the technical requirements for material analysis and failure analysis are getting higher and higher. In this invited talk, we will discuss with you in-depth the theoretical and applied studies of the three analysis techniques, and share and demonstrate the application experience of these three analysis techniques in integrated circuit wafer fabrication and modern packaging and testing through some application cases. In particular, the advantages and disadvantages and application scenarios of the three analysis techniques are compared. We will help failure analysis and quality engineers & management personnel how to choose the appropriate analysis technology so as to improve the accuracy and precision of material analysis and failure analysis, thereby improving the yield of semiconductor integrated circuit wafer fabrication and advanced packaging and testing processes. In particular we will propose the concept of “EDS clean is not clean and Auger clean is then clean”.

Feng Luo
(Chair Professor of Nankai University)
Ultra Precision Manufacturing and Integrated Circuit Equipments

Biography: Feng Luo, Chair Professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering/School of Electronic Information and Optical Engineering, Nankai University Since 2021.Feng is currently a chair professor of School of materials science and engineering of Nankai University and an adjunct chair professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University from 2018-2020. From 1995 to 2004, he studied at the school of chemistry and molecular engineering, Peking University, and received his bachelor’s and doctor’s degrees. From 2004 to 2009, he worked in Germany and Switzerland as a postdoctor, and from 2009 to 2010, he served as a Principle Investigator in the Collge of Engineering of Peking University. From 2010 to 2020, he worked in the IMDEA Nanoscience as a senior research Professor. He has been selected as a Marie Curie scholar of the European Union, the Spanish fund for Distinguished Young scholars, the Spanish I3 distinguished professor, etc. At present, he serves as a board member of the science and innovation commission of the Institute of Advanced Science FacilitiesShenzhen, the member of Shanghai Light Source User Committee.

Abstract: A brief review over technologies focused on micro/nano fabrication and ultra-precision manufacturing has been descried for patterning devices in 10 nm tech-node and beyond.

Jianyou Xie
(CEO of Hunan Overmoore Advanced Semiconductor Co., Ltd.)
Technology Status and Development Trend of SiP Advanced Packaging

Biography: Jianyou Xie is currently the CEO/CTO of Hunan Overmoore Advanced Semiconductor Co., Ltd., graduated from Dalian University of Technology with a bachelor’s degree in fine chemical engineering, and graduated from Xidian University with a master’s degree in the field of integrated circuit engineering. He has worked in world-class foreign enterprises or listed companies over 20 years, and has built an advanced packaging product line in Huatian Technology (Xi’an) Co., Ltd, which is a listed company. In 2002, Mr. Jianyou Xie worked in Unictech and GAPT (Weiyu Technology), mainly engaged in the packaging design and process R&D of CPU products, GPU products and North-South Bridge chips. After Weiyu Technology was acquired by the world’s largest packaging factory (ASE) in 2007, he joined Xingke Jinpeng (formerly the world’s third largest packaging factory) to undertake the packaging design and process R&D of FC products.Previous positions: R&D Director of Huatian Technology (002185), President of Advanced Packaging Research Institute; Chief Scientist of SiP, Tongfu Microelectric (002156) Packaging Research Institute; Director of vivo Packaging Research Institute.He presided over the establishment of Huatian Technology SiP product line and electrical/thermal/force/fluid multi-physical domain collaborative design simulation platform.Patent inventor of fingerprint recognition package scheme under mass-produced capacitive screen (TSV+SiP);Al chip package solution shipments >800kk;He has been awarded 91 national patents and 3 U.S. patents.

Abstract: Standards ensure the reliability and consistency of nanomaterial measurement and characterization, and are the foundation of nanotechnology industry. The technical committees in ISO, IEC and ASTM have been active in developing  testing standard, on materials including carbon nanotubes, quantum dots, metal nanoparticles, and using methods including electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, light scattering, and various spectroscopies. These efforts improve the method comparison and data accuracy, and deepen our understanding of measurement uncertainties.Since 2006, China has supported the research in nano-measurement standards with different programs. As a result, we have led over 30 ISO/IEC international standards including the metallic impurity detection in carbon nanotubes and absorption spectroscopy of quantum dots. We have also developed over 50 reference materials, to promote the nanomaterial characterization and participation of domestic industry in international standardization.This talk will analyze the challenges of standardizing nanomaterial test methods, summarize the current activities and status, and provide perspectives for this field. 

Xiaomin Li
(CEO of Wintech Nano (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.)
The Semiconductor Industry Cycle and Sector Rotation

Biography: Li Xiaomin, Chairman of Wintech Nano, holds a Bachelor’s degree from Peking University and a Master’s degree from National University of Singapore. He has applied for numerous invention patents and published over 100 papers and co-authored two books.

In 2001, Li Xiaomin worked at the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore. In 2004, he founded Wintech-Nano Technology Services Pte. Ltd. in Singapore, and in 2012, he established Wintech Nano (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Under his leadership, the company has become a renowned platform for semiconductor chip analysis and testing services, as well as a crucial support center for R&D in the industry.

Abstract: The semiconductor industry has thousands of subdivisions, from the most upstream raw materials, equipment, chip design, manufacturing and packaging to module terminals and many other derivative industries. Semiconductor testing and analysis is an important link in the semiconductor industry chain, and testing and analysis services help accelerate the R&D process, improve product performance indicators and yield rates, and play an important role in the development of semiconductor technology and process evolution. From a unique perspective and combined with more than 20 years of experience, Mr. Li Xiaomin will share his pioneering "Labless" business concept from the requirements of semiconductor industry segmentation, the demand for equipment and talent pain points, the "value mutual trust theory" and the judgment of the analysis and testing track on the semiconductor industry cycle.

Rong Yu
(Winner of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, Professor of Tsinghua University)
3D Atomic Structure Analysis Methods for Semiconductor Materials and Devices

Biography:Professor Rong Yu of Tsinghua University graduated from Zhejiang University in 1996 and received his Ph.D. degree from Institute of Metals, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2002. Before joining Tsinghua University in 2008, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the University of Cambridge. He has been engaged in the research of electron microscopy and microstructure of materials. He invented adaptive-propagator ptychography, local-orbital ptychography, and local orbital tomography, and studied crystal structure and defects, electronic structure and magnetic structure of materials at the atomic scale, and carried out the research on rare earth permanent magnet materials. 

Abstract:The dimensions of semiconductor devices are getting smaller and the configurations are becoming more and more complex, posing new challenges to the spatial resolution of microstructural characterization. At the same time, the rapid development of computational electron microscopy based on big data has brought new opportunities for solving the structural analysis challenges of semiconductor devices. The most representative ones are electron ptychography and electron tomography. Recently, local orbital ptychography has pushed the information limit of microscopic imaging to 14 pm, and multi-section local orbital tomography has pushed the atomic-scale 3D reconstruction to the million-atom level, which is expected to realize accurate analysis of 3D atomic structure of semiconductor devices.

Billy Tang
( Manager, EFA Sales Development & Application Engineering of ThermoFisher Scientific)
Nanoprobing Application in Failure Analysis of Semiconductor

Work Experience:

2016~ present: ThermoFisher Scientific

Manager – EFA Sale Development and Application Engineering

2011~2016: Shanghai Huali Microelectronics

Manager - Electrical failure analysis

2003~2011: Shanghai Huahong NEC

Manager - Failure analysis


With more than 20 years of experience in semiconductor failure analysis, he is mainly responsible for the establishment of failure analysis laboratory, the development and application of physical and electrical failure analysis. Currently, as manager of Thermo Fisher Scientific Sales Development and Application Support, responsible for business development of electrical failure analysis product and application support in China, providing total solutions of failure analysis for semiconductor customers in China. (The main products are related to optical & thermal failure location, nanoprober, circuit editing and ESD/Latch-up testing equipments)

Abstract:This report will focus on semiconductor failure analysis, by introducing two platforms of nanoprobe system (SEM based and AFM based) to better understand the function and performance of the equipment. In addition, by introducing the function and principle of nanoprobing and sharing application cases, the importance of nanoprobe in the field of semiconductor failure analysis is highlighted. At the same time, by emphasizing the key influencing factors of the analysis method, especially in the function of EBAC, EBIRCH and other common used and concerned functions, which may improve the understanding of nanoprobing and answer the doubts in application, this will also help on improving the success rate of failure analysis.

Chua Kok Keng
( Technical Director of Wintech Nano (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.)
The Practical Application of Nanoprobes in the Failure Analysis of Chips
Lin Feng
(Application Engineer of ULVAC-PHI Instruments Co., Ltd.)
Surface Analysis, Understanding the Macro through the Micro - XPS & AES

Biography:Dr. Feng Lin, Application Engineer, ULVAC-PHI Instruments Co., Ltd.. She received her PhD from the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory of the University of Science and Technology of China in 2020. She joined ULVAC-PHI Instruments Co., Ltd. In 2022, and was responsible for surface analysis testing and XPS analysis technology application training in PHI Nanjing Surface Analysis Lab. She has rich experience in the application of various surface analysis technologies such as XPS, UPS and AES.

Abstract:Surface analysis technology has been widely used in many scientific research and high-tech industries. In particular, the micro-XPS combined with AES can achieve accurate navigation and reliable analysis of micro-features in the failure analysis of micron/nanometer characteristics and complex materials/devices. This report will introduce the latest progress of surface analysis techniques (XPS and AES) from the dimensions of spatial resolution and depth resolution, as well as the comprehensive application in multidisciplinary fields, including the study of the spatial distribution and chemical states of micro-features of materials, the depth construction of thin films, and the failure analysis of materials/devices.

Kaichen Gu
(Senior Engineer of Exponent, Inc.)
Multiscale Experimental Techniques for Failure Analysis in Electronics

Biography:Dr. Kaichen Gu is a Senior Engineer at Exponent’s Hong Kong office, specializing in elucidating material-structure-function relationships for materials in electronics. He holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Princeton University with a focus on the materials science.

Dr. Gu has worked on many different classes of materials and has extensive experience with various characterization techniques, including SEM/EDS, XRD, AFM, SEC, TGA and DSC. He frequently applies these characterization techniques to solve problems involving semiconductors, electronic packaging, displays, user interfaces, and electronic assemblies. Since joining Exponent, Dr. Gu has continuously worked with his clients in consumer electronics industry on various real-world failures, providing critical insights and solutions.

Abstract:In the rapidly evolving field of electronics, ensuring the reliability and longevity of products is paramount. Material science offers a suite of experimental techniques at various length scales that are invaluable for failure analysis in electronics. This talk will explore how methods such as Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Optical Microscopy (OM) provide detailed images of morphological and structural defects at the nanoscale, microscale, and mesoscale, respectively, which may ultimately affect the macroscopic properties of the samples. At specific scales of interest, non-destructive techniques like X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) and destructive techniques such as Focused Ion Beam (FIB) can be applied to locate and characterize damage features. By integrating these techniques, we can pinpoint the root causes of failures and enhance the reliability and performance of electronic products, driving innovation and consumer satisfaction. Case studies will be presented to illustrate the practical application of these techniques in real-world scenarios.

Mingsheng Qiao
(R&D Director of Wintech Nano (Suzhou) Co., Ltd.)
Reflections on the Construction of the Evaluation System of Semiconductor Third-Party Analysis and Testing Service Institutions

Biography:Graduated from PKU-IME in 1998. Served as director of Liquid-Crystal-Display Module Institute and Display R&D director of Qingdao Hisense Electric Co., Ltd. Team Leader of the first LED backlight unit LCD-TV-set and the first Quantum-Dot LCD-TV-set in China. Won the IEC1906 Award in 2020.

Abstract:Analyze the elements and survey results of the evaluation architecture for third-party semiconductor failure analysis and testing service providers, and propose the idea of establishing an evaluation standard system and technical standard system under the guidance of the Labless model.

Nanami Bito
(Deputy Director of Hitachi High-tech Corporation)
Introduction of Nanoscale Device Characteristics Analysis System


■Current Position:

Deputy Director, Global Sales Planning Department at Hitachi High-Tech Corporation


 Graduated from Shibaura Institute of Technology with a degree in Electronic Engineering

■Career History:

2006-2023: Toshiba Nanoanalysis Corporation

Role: Responsible for semiconductor physical analysis

Achievement: Played a key role in launching the company’s nanoprobe business

2024-Present: Hitachi High-Tech Corporation

Role: Involved in marketing nanoprobing systems


The advanced nanoscale device characteristics analysis system NP8000 was developed with a focus on strengthening two key technologies: nanoprobing for microscopic areas and electron beam absorbed current (EBAC) observation. It enables probing at extremely low accelerating voltages to suppress fluctuations in device characteristics due to electron beam irradiation, and high-current observation, which is effective for effectively capturing signals at defective locations. In addition, the performance of voltage-applied EBAC (DI-EBAC) has been further enhanced by improving the amplifier to capture reactions of failure modes that could not be captured before.

Xiaoxiao Cao
( Senior Marketing Manager of ThermoFisher Scientific)
R&D and Manufacturing of Integrated Circuits - In-depth Observation from Spherical Aberration Transmission Electron Microscopy
Jason Cao
(X-ray microscopy Application Expert of Carl Zeiss (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.)
ZEISS Microscopy Solutions for Semiconductor and Advanced Packaging FA

Biography:Chunjie Cao (Jason Cao) is an X-ray microscopy technical expert at Carl Zeiss (Shanghai) Management Co., Ltd. He has been engaged in X-ray microscope imaging technology for 12 years at ZEISS and is proficient in the application of X-ray microscopes in high-end industrial inspection and scientific research. He has provided failure analysis and detection solutions and technical support for dozens of well-known electronic semiconductor companies at home and abroad, and helped scientific researchers publish more than 50 papers in internationally renowned academic journals such as Nature, Science, PNAS, Advance Science, etc. through experiments.

Abstract:The report will cover the following three aspects:

(1) Progress in advanced semiconductor packaging and failure analysis and detection methods

(2) X-ray microscope imaging principles and technical characteristics

(3) The application of X-ray microscopy in the field of failure analysis of electronic semiconductors

The report will explain the progress of failure analysis instruments and analysis methods in combination with the development trend of advanced semiconductor packaging. Through the introduction of the X-ray microscopy imaging principle, the reasons why this technique is suitable for failure analysis are analyzed. The report will also illustrate the imaging of different types of semiconductor samples and failure analysis solutions based on X-ray microscopy and FIB-SEM combined. Through this sharing, we try to provide some failure analysis methods and ideas for coworkers in the electronic semiconductor industry.

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