Conference Introduction

Since Nanoimprint technology was invented in 1995, it has experienced more than 20 years history of technological development. Because of its excellent technical characteristics: high resolution, low cost, and high productivity, it was considered a star technology at the beginning of its birth. It is rated as "one of 10 emerging technologies that will change the world (MIT Technology Review). It has received extensive attention from academia and industry and has even been included in the international semiconductor industry technology development blueprint.


Especially in recent years, the demand in China for capabilities such as large-volume, high-precision micro- and nano processing in the industry, has begun to explode. The demand is present in many application areas including micro- and nano optical components, AR lenses, DOE, TOF and MLA. Also within biomedical applications such as biochips, microfluidic channels, microneedles, are potential areas of use for nanoimprint technology. A large number of high-tech companies have appeared in these fields, some large listed companies have also begun to deploy nanoimprint technology and they are investing huge amounts of funds and resources. They are actively pushing the industrialization of nanoimprint technology to a new level in China.


In 2023, Chinese experts in the field of nanoimprint technology held the first NTAC Global Nanoimprint Technology and Application Conference in Suzhou, providing a long-term and stable communication platform for the research and industry community committed to nanoimprint technology development. The first NTAC conference invited a large number of experts and scholars in the field of nanoimprint to discuss cutting-edge technologies and exchange the latest achievements, which sparked a warm response.


The 2nd Global Nanoimprint Technology and Application Conference will uphold the original intention, to gather global nanoimprint technology industrial resources, to promote the aggregation of talents, technological innovation and achievement transformation from nanoimprint technology to industry, to accelerate the breakthrough of the development bottleneck in the field of nanoimprint technology manufacturing and to promote the progress of Nanoimprint Technology and Industrial Applications.



    • Gusu Lab


    • Nanopolis Suzhou Co., Ltd.

catering unit

    • Suzhou New Dimension Nano Technologies Co., Lt

Main topics

2024 Speakers

2023 Speakers
Xing Cheng
(Professor,Southern University of Science and Technology)


2023 Speakers
(professor,L Ecole normale superieure (PSL))

Biography: Yong Chen received his B.S. degree in physics from Wuhan University in 1982, M.S. and Ph.D. from University of Montpellier in 1983 and 1986, respectively. Next, he spent three years in Scuola Normale Superioriedi Pisa and Peking University, as a Research Associate. In 1990, he joined the Centre National de RechercheScientifique (CNRS) as Chargé de Recherche (1st class) and became Directeur de Recherche (2nd class) in 1998. Finally, he moved to the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of Paris as Professor in 2003 to build his current laboratory for interdisciplinary studies. He is now Directeur de Recherche (1st class) of CNRS, Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) of Kyoto University, and Distinguished Chair Professor at Hong-Kong Polytechnic University. During more than 25 years, he has been worked in different fields of nanosciences and nanotechnologies, including semiconductor quantum heterostructures, photonic crystals, scanning near field optical microscopy, magnetic nanostructures,synchrotron based X-ray lithography, thermal and UV nanoimprint lithography, etc. During the last ten years, he was mainly interested in microfluidics and its application in molecule and cell biology. He has authored or co-authored more than 400 scientific publications, in which more than 300 were in peer-reviewed journals (ISI web of science) and 10 as book chapters. He has also contributed to a large number of European contracted research projects/networks and national projects. Finally, he has supervised more than 40 Ph.D and post-doctoral studies in interdisciplinary research areas.  

2023 Speakers
Helmut Schift
(Head of Advanced Nanomanufacturing (ANaM) Group in PSI)

Biography:Helmut Schift studied electrical engineering at the University of Karlsruhe, and performed his Ph.D. studies at the Institute of Microtechnology Mainz (IMM), Germany. He has specialized in micro-optics, high aspect ratio lithography and polymer replication (LiGA technology). After his graduation in 1994, he joined the Paul Scherrer Institute as research staff member, where he has subsequently built up and established a technology platform for nanoimprint lithography (NIL). As one of the pioneers, H. Schift developed enabling techniques for the patterning of functional surfaces with topological and chemical surface contrast, and used these processes in different research and application fields. Since 2001, he is Lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Fachhochschule) Nordwestschweiz for engineering students on “Micro- and Nanotechnology”. In 2002, he became head of the Polymer Nanotechnology Group (INKA-PSI). During a sabbatical in 2011, he was employed as a visiting professor (Velux grant) in the Optofluidics group in the Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology at the Danish Technical University (DTU). H. Schift is a co-author of 140 scientific papers, including reviews and book chapters, and editor of the NaPa Library of Processes. He has supervised many scientific projects and participated in several PhD juries. In the European FP7 NaPANIL project (2008-2012), H. Schift was sub-project leader with over 1000 person months. He received the Swiss Technology Award (2005, Sonderpreis Ostschweizer Kantone) and Nanoimprint Pioneer Award (2016). In 2016 he was recognized by the AVS Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology as one of its Most Valuable Reviewers. Since 2019, H. Schift is Consultant on Research Integrity (30%) at PSI. For this purpose, in 2021, he completed MAS studies of Applied Ethics at the University of Zürich.

2023 Speakers
Stephen Y. Chou
(Member of National Academy of Engineering,Joseph C. Elgin Professor at Princeton University)

BiographyStephen Y. Chou (Ph.D., MIT,1986), the inventor of nanoimprint lithography, is the Joseph C. Elgin Professor at Princeton University. He is also the founder and founding chairman of the board of three startup companies: Nanonex Corp., NanoOpto Corp., and Essenlix Corp., and is a co-founder of BioNano Genomics Inc. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering (2007), a Fellow of the US National Academy of Inventors (2013), a recipient of the lEEE Cledo Brunetti Award (2004), the IEEE Nanotechnology Pioneer Award, and the Nanoimprint Pioneer Award; a Packard Fellow, and a Fellow of the lEEE, the American Vacuum Society (AVS), the Optical Society of America (OSA, now Optica), and the International Society for Nanomanufacturing (ISNM), among other awards and honors.

2023 Speakers
Hongzhong Liu
(Professor,Xi’an Jiaotong University)



2023 Speakers
Lars Montelius
(Professor Emeritus, Lund University)

Biography: Since September 1, 2014, Prof. Lars Montelius has been Director-General of INL - International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory located in Braga, Portugal. He is a professor in nanotechnology at Lund University, Sweden, where he was Head of the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Science and Engineering from 2003-2009. During 2009-2011 he was the director for the Øresund University & Øresund Science Region, a cross-border cooperation between eleven universities, three regional authorities, two countries in the Øresund Region. Between 2007 and 2014, he was Chair of the Swedish Technical Standardization Committee on Nanotechnology and he is the founder of several Swedish companies working with nanotechnology.

Prof. Lars Montelius is a former President of the International Federation for Vacuum Science Technology and Applications (国际真空科学技术与应用联盟), one of the decision-makers of the EU NMBP (Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology and Processing) Expert Group, and a member of the Board of Directors and Head of the Working Group of the two major European technology platforms, NANOFutures and EuMat. Having been engaged in the field of nanotechnology for three decades, Prof. Lars Montelius focuses his work on lithography and processing technologies applied to a wide range of nanodevices. In particular, he and his team have published several influential papers in the field of nanoimprinting and lithography. Prof. Lars Montelius has published more than 170 papers, given more than 80 invited lectures and filed 54 patents.

2023 Speakers
Stella W. Pang
(Chair Professor,City University of Hong Kong)

Biography: Stella W. Pang is a Chair Professor and the Director of the Center for Biosystems, Neuroscience,and Nanotechnology of the Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong,

China. She has over 400 technical articles, book chapters, and invited presentations. She has ten patents granted in nanotechnology and microsystems and four pending. Her research interests include nanofabrication technology for biomedical, microelectromechanical, THz and metadevices. Prof. Pang is a Fellow of IEEE, ECS, AVS, and HKIE.

2023 Speakers
L. Jay Guo
(Professor at the University of Michigan)

Biography: L. Jay Guo is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Michigan. His is involved in interdisciplinary research, with activities ranging from polymer-based photonic devices and sensor applications, flexible transparent conductors, nanophotonics, structural colors and AI assisted design, hybrid photovoltaics and photodetectors, to nanomanufacturing technologies, and are contributed by students from Electrical Engineering and Optics, Macromolecular Science & Engineering, Applied Physics, Physics, and Mechanical Engineering. Prof. Guo has over 285 journal publications; with citation over 32,000 times, and an H-index of 89 (by google scholar). Some notable awards he received from recent years include 2023 Wise-Najafi Prize for Engineering Excellence in the Miniature World from University of Michigan, 2017 William Mong Distinguished Lecturer in Hong Kong University, and 2015 Monroe-Brown Research Excellence Award by the College of Engineering of University of Michigan. His professional service includes Associate Editor of Optica (till 2021); and currently member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Advanced Optical Materials, and Opto-electric Science. His entrepreneur activities include co-founding two startup companies to commercialize technologies from his lab.


2023 Speakers
Yoshihiko Hirai
(Emeritus Professor,Osaka Metropolitan University)
Deformation and de-molding mechanisms in nanoimprint

Biography: He jointed Matsushita Electric Co. at 1981 and developed fine lithography processes at Semiconductor research center.

At 1996, he became associate professor of mechanical system engineering at Osaka Prefecture University and started to research on nanoimprint lithography from 1998.  He promoted to be professor of department of physics and electronics engineering of Osaka Prefecture University at 2004. His research interest lies on micro and nano lithography and his special field is simulation and modeling in the fields of photo, electron and nanoimprint lithography.

He retired Osaka Prefecture University at 2022 and he is now research fellow of Osaka Metropolitan University (Established merging Osaka Prefecture University and Osaka City University in 2022).

He was a chair of Nanoimprint technology workshop of Japan society of applied physics and a member of international committee of nanoimprint and nano print conference and international committee of micro and nano engineering conference.

He is a fellow of the Japan society of applied physics.


2023 Speakers
Yifang Chen
(Professor, Fudan University)



2023 Speakers
Feng Luo
(Chair Professor,College of Materials Science and Engineering, Nankai University)



2023 Speakers
Haixiong Ge
(Professor,Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Nanjing University)



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